“Where did he go” i asked myself, going up and down the main hall, switching between my radar room and the cockpit. Our radar stations, that orbit the Muffler-Shop bunker worlds picked up very different readings in just one night.

It seems that *Vlagluugwok* disappeared from the scanners, but nobody came forward to claim the bounty. Maybe it was a ruse? a fake signal? We might never know. Lots of the Dreadfear and Voidspawns have disappeared aswell, so the Aliens might plan something bigger in the future, but that’s all speculation.

The scanners still read the other one: *Zleeduxxeeq*. He is still on the map and I will up the bounty to 70B for anyone who can send proof of kill until the end of the week. On week 20, the bounty will fall to 25B

Muffler Shop sets up a provisional camp

You can find our headquarters in one of the 6 star clusters of the sunflower core (level 45 pvp1). Be aware, that if you come looking for us, you might face our star bases, so be sure to enlist to the Corp first, if you want to join.

We plan to make a permanent camp in Septagon soon, but for now, the SCs of Sunflower are under our watch.

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