*Zleeduxxeeq* survived… for now

He is still on the radar, and we know now, where he hides. Our radar station has been busy tracking the paths Zleeduxxeeq took and we found the star cluster: Challenger. Challenger is a small open cluster with 2000 sectors in the Needle Core.

The bounty is getting reduced to 20B, but there is a new bounty on the rise, with a twist.

failed encounter, we have to take a loss

We trailed a Nightmare through the systems but he escaped every time, destoying a lot of drones along the way. We managed to break of a big peace of his ship, but he seemed unimpressed by that.

After the last battle our ship send out a signal for help, that can be found as a graffiti in the sector of the Alien. It is encoded, but not hard to decrypt. If you kill the Nightmare and recover the signal, you get 150B in microbots this week. After week 20, the message will become void and the Nightmare bounty will decrease.

Level 62 – *Truxxydreep* – NLL0 – has been seen near the Sombrero Core

A future idea – The Wormhole race

An idea I had was a race, but at the moment, the players on the server are too low to actually do it.

What I thought about was the following:
1. it has to be a PVP0 area, otherwise people make starbases and kill each other (if the test run works, we might make a deathrace)
2. You get a list of Wormhole names, which you have to find.
3. If you found the first wormhole (you can search how you like, but you have to message me the exact order I gave you)
4. if you messaged me all the wormhole locations (sectors) first, you win the race.

This race will encourage exploring, because you will have an advantage if you have the wormholes in your forces, because you won’t have to find the wormholes manually then. If you are not level 60 yet, you might have to take notes for the wormholes.

Not yet sure, if we make it a real price (like 50€ steam gift card) or ingame microbots (like 1T) but for “the race” to happen, we first need way more players. The winning Corp + Playername will be posted on the website https://muffler-shop.de of course.

Feel free to write your thoughts in the comments, I love every bit of interaction on this side.

From the radio-room of my flagship36, Signing off

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